Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SmarDust application

Application in side the plant
  1. detecting breakage in aging pipes before they leak and become costly.
  2. automating manual error-prone tasks which involve calibration and monitoring.
  3. Reporting accurate data of equipments functionality such as engine.
  4. checking in and out the staff for accurate working hours calculation.
  5. monitoring the environment for security purposes during operational or off operational hours.

The above information based on fictive examples.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

organizational disadvantages

The major disadvantage that this IT makes all the industries to concern about is privacy.

This convenient technology that brings many benefit to organizations also could lead to violation of privacy for the organizations and people. While people try to take advantage of new technology on the other hand they become concerned of being monitored for questionable reasons. Identity theft is one of the main and problematic todays' issue; which, SamrtDust can make it easier for unethical purposes.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Organizational Advantages

There are several advantages that drive organizations to use this smart device. First, the size of this device is very small which makes it convenient to use.

Organizations can benefit from using this technology in there organizations. The main advantages of this IT include:
  1. Reduce systems and infrastructure costs.
  2. Increase plant and office productivity.
  3. Improve safety, efficiency and compliance.



This tiny device has the potential to replace many technologies and it is hard to imagine what it can not replace. However, some examples are:

Car tax system
"SmartDust could be used to keep track of vehicles as part of government plans to replace car tax system." This way they are able to monitor how much the car being used and travel during rush hours to restrict the pollution.

SmartDust could be use in the building and offices which is able to monitor the the light and movement to to turn off the light;which, cause in energy saving. This is known as smart building.

Forest service
With this advance technology a forest service is able to drop the smart dust from an airplane over the forest in order to monitor fire in a forest.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

About SmartDust

SmartDust is a very small wireless network sensors, MEMS and robots. This mote is in the size of a grain of sand or a dust, and each device have an self-sufficient sensor, which is able to compute, communicate and power. You could think of it as a very small computer that can send and communicate information to other devices or computers. Moreover, SmartDust is able to detect data about light, temperature, vibration and broadcast to a computer.
